Tuesday, April 21, 2009

2 weeek check up

This is my before picture I forgot to include earlier.
I went to the surgeon's office today for my 2 week check up. They said everything looks good. My total weight lose is 14.6 lbs.
They also said I had to wait 4 more weeks to go back to work. I was bummed to hear that.

I am feeling better and am eating solids now. I can barely eat a 1/2 of a sandwich for lunch. I don't know if it's because I am full or lose interest in it after taking 1 bite every 10 minutes.

I am discovering that the whole experience is 80% or more a mental thing. I often find that I think I need to eat and I really don't. I have to get over the scared feeling of not having anything to eat and my sugars falling to low. I have been telling myself- no big deal if that happens you can always buy something if I am not home. Crazy thoughts maybe.

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